

Sonificade are some of the talented musicians sharing their music with us all through Hour Lives. Martin from Sonificade very kindly took the time to write and share the following message with us:

Sonificade are honoured to be featured on Hour Lives, and feel very touched that our song was chosen for a show exploring challenges and issues with a view to happiness and wellbeing. Part of being in a band and making music is in itself a form of therapy, and a way of coping with every day challenges. This can be via the writing process and how lyrics can help to help get emotions and personal feelings out of your head to help process things that are going on, or to the more physical benefits of performing and the almost exercise like endorphin release that can give, or even the social benefits of just spending time with your band mates – to name just a few of many things.

We have always found music and lyrics an immensely powerful and emotive form of communication, especially when they compliment each other. Be it writing songs, or even making other peoples song’s your own with your own meaning, it can always be a form of therapy, comfort, hope, and a means of comping through hard times. As music is for everyone, we find it really fascinating to hear about what the same songs mean to different people, and how great it is to gain different perspectives thought that, which in itself can be a lesson for life in general.

The song Sun Comes Around feels particularly apt in this sense, as the song was originally written with a single subject in mind, yet through the writing it naturally evolved to embrace multiple related concepts. Many of these subjects explored through the song are a reaction to how easy it is to get bogged down under the weight of the present. Be that being stuck in a rut, or not happy, etc. just being consumed with issues and not having any hope or feeling powerless to change things.

By playing on how things work in cycles, it is trying to remind us that there is always a tomorrow, the now can and will change, we can try things, and we can try other things after that. The references to natures own cycles are as a reminder of this, but also as a way of putting our own existence into perspective as a means of getting out of our heads and unstuck. Its ultimately hopeful, and trying to reassure that you can get on an upwards wave again, and you can build on that momentum and take back control without fear of negative consequence.

The video for the song takes a fun play on this where everyday monotony was done behind closed eyes, with us only opening them for what we wanted to see! Not quite as profound, but we had fun doing it, so again serves the purpose of trying to be more uplifting, even if the song at the end never does quite shake off the doubt that is always there with us all, but I guess that is natural and okay. Thanks again for listening.

Martin Byrne, Sonificade
Music Credits

The song Sun Comes Around by Sonificade is featured in series one of Hour Lives. Sun Comes Around was performed and written by Sonificade.


You can find Sonificade at the following places online:
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